Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatieAcademisch


DANS, the research data archive in the Netherlands, has a growing collection of audiovisual data. This includes the witnesses' stories of the Second World War Heritage Program, the Oral History Project Indonesia, and interviews with Dutch Veterans. The collection, with almost 2000 interviews, is accessed by various users. For privacy reasons not all datasets are open access. In my presentation I will introduce the way in which we treat the audio and video data, the difference between high-resolution archival storage and streaming access, restricted access control for privacy sensitive data and future plans for subtitle search.
Periode03 jun. 2015
EvenementstitelInternational Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST) 2015: Bridging the data divide: Data in the international context
OrganisatorInternational Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST)
LocatieMinneapolis, Verenigde StatenToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal