Summer School Nanjing 2017

Activiteit: Deelname aan of organisatie van een evenementWorkshop, seminarAcademisch


The summer school 'Practices of Remembrance beyond Memory Politics: Recalling Mass Violence and the Roads to Reconciliation in Asia and Europe' took place at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences in Nanjing (17-23 July 2017). It is funded by the China Exchange Programme (CEP) of the KNAW. The aim of this programme is to foster long-term research collaboration between the Netherlands and China by providing seed money for new cooperation.

This Summer School provided us with a unique opportunity to explore, in an international context, the ways in which societies in both Asia and Europe continue to struggle with the legacies of mass violence committed in the context of the big conflicts of the 20th Century (World War I and II, the wars of decolonisation, Cold War). Within a week of intense work we aim to start developing an in-depth understanding of the related memory practices. We study historical sites, acts of remembrance and commemoration, and representations of those violent pasts from an interdisciplinary Asian-European perspective.

Nanjing, known and commemorated as both a key location of Second Sino-Japanese War and the site of the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38), constituted an excellent starting point for our Summer School.

The participants are a group of selected PhD students, advanced MA students and researchers of various backgrounds in the Netherlands, China and Japan (received travel grant to attend).
Periode17 jul. 201723 jul. 2017
LocatieNanjing, ChinaToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal