"What lies beneath" A closer look at the PID ecosystem

Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatieAcademisch


Workshop presented at the DANS Open Day 2024, November 14 2024

Title: "What lies beneath. A closer look at the PID ecosystem"

Persistent identifiers (PID) are essential to make data objects FAIR. Several PID systems exist to facilitate the unique identification of research objects, such as databases, publications, organisations, researchers, software, etc. PIDs are the glue to create robust relationships between research objects. But PIDs are not persistent and unique by magic. In this workshop, we will look at the actors and roles that make up the PID ecosystem and discuss how to ensure that PIDs indeed do what they promise: provide a persistent (long-term) and globally unique identifier to a ‘thing’.

The learning outcomes of the workshop are:

To understand the role of PIDs in the research workflow.
To get an overview of the PID ecosystem.
To get informed on how the quality of a PID policy can be assessed.
To get an overview of the role of DANS in "all of this".
Periode14 nov. 2024
EvenementstitelDANS Open Day 2024
LocatieThe Hague, NederlandToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningNationaal