Is history an (a)-political discipline?

Pers / media: Publieke betrokkenheidsactiviteiten


German historians are in the midst of a heated discussion about how the professional association of historians should figure in social and political debate. On 14 February the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen (VHD) – the German counterpart of the KNHG – organized a meeting with supporters and opponents in this debate in Berlin. Two hundred historians from the entire country turned up and at some points manifested their agreement with one of the speakers through civilized applause. The central question at this meeting was: Is history an (a)-political discipline?

Periode18 feb. 2019




  • TitelIs history an (a)-political discipline?
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal
    Media naam/
    Release datum18/02/2019
    BeschrijvingGerman historians are in the midst of a heated discussion about how the professional association of historians should figure in social and political debate. On 14 February the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen (VHD) – the German counterpart of the KNHG – organized a meeting with supporters and opponents in this debate in Berlin. Two hundred historians from the entire country turned up and at some points manifested their agreement with one of the speakers through civilized applause. The central question at this meeting was: Is history an (a)-political discipline?
    Producent / auteurKNHG
    PersonenAntia Wiersma