Married couples, church-goers and university graduates are more likely to do volunteer work and have less chance of becoming depressed or disabled

Pers / media: Onderzoek


Article 'Married couples, church-goers and university graduates are more likely to do volunteer work and have less chance of becoming depressed or disabled' in Mail online dated November 2, 2018, referring to research 'Determinants of participation in voluntary work: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies' (Authors: Jacobien Niebuur (UMCG), Lidy van Lente (UMCG), Aart C. Liefbroer (UMCG/NIDI/RUG/UvA), Nardi Steverink (UG/UMCG), Nynke Smidt (UMCG)).

Periode02 nov. 2018


