Reports from Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute Add New Data to Findings in Pediatrics (Cohort Changes In the Association Between Parental Divorce and Children's Education: a Long-term Perspective On the Institutionalization ...)

Pers / media: Onderzoek

Periode22 mei 2023




  • TitelReports from Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute Add New Data to Findings in Pediatrics (Cohort Changes In the Association Between Parental Divorce and Children's Education: a Long-term Perspective On the Institutionalization ...)
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal
    Media naam/outletNewsRx
    MediatypeGedrukte pers
    Land/RegioVerenigd Koninkrijk
    Release datum22/05/2023
    PersonenM. (Matthijs) Kalmijn