Hebrew Text Database ETCBC4b

  • Dirk Roorda (Maker)
  • Wido Th. van Peursen (Bijdrager)
  • Constantijn Sikkel (Bijdrager)



The ETCBC database of the Hebrew Bible, contains the scholarly text of the Hebrew Bible with linguistic markup.
A previous version, Hebrew Text Database ETCBC4, can be found in EASY (see the link below). See the description there for more details.

The present dataset is a new version:

(A) the content has been updated, all features have been filled in for all objects whenever applicable;
(B) not all feature values have been checked; for that we have to wait for version 4s.

The reason to submit this version now is the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (November 21-24, 2015, Atlanta).
Datum van beschikbaarheid16 nov. 2015
UitgeverData Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Tijdelijke dekking1000
Geografische dekkingIsrael

Dataset type

  • Verwerkte data

    van Peursen, W. T. & Roorda, D.


    Project: Onderzoek

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