Microbiome of different forms of vinasse organic residue

  • M.A.P. Cipriano (Maker)
  • Afnan Suleiman (Maker)
  • A.P.D. da Silveira (Maker)
  • J.B. Carmo (Maker)
  • Eiko Kuramae (Maker)



Here we assessed the bacterial community present in both NCV and CV by next generation sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, isolation, molecular and biochemical characterization of bacteria in NCV and CV. Besides, we assessed their potential for nitrogen fixation, nitrification and/or denitrification by qPCR of nifH, amoA, nirK, narG, norB and nosZ genes.
Datum van beschikbaarheid16 jan. 2019
UitgeverEuropean Nucleotide Archive (ENA)

Dataset type

  • Verwerkte data

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