'(Re)counting the Uncounted': Links between Censuses and Historical GIS

  • Rombert Stapel (Maker)
  • Isabel Flens (Maker)
  • Daria Vaccari (Maker)
  • Rosalie Versmissen (Maker)



This dataset contains a dataset of links between the observations in the digitised censuses created in the NWO-funded Replication Study '(Re)counting the Uncounted. Replication and Contextualisation of Dutch and Belgian Premodern Population Estimates (1350-1800)' and the unique identifiers of the GIS polygons of pseudo-territories in the Historical Atlas of the Low Countries, 1350-1800.

As more data is completed and added to the IISH Data Collection, this dataset will grow progressively.
Datum van beschikbaarheid16 okt. 2024
UitgeverIISH Dataverse
Tijdelijke dekking01 jan. 1260 - 31 dec. 1895
Datum van data-aanmaak16 okt. 2024
Geografische dekkingLow Countries

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