'(Re)counting the Uncounted': Repository of Digitised Premodern Censuses in the Low Countries

  • Rombert Stapel (Maker)
  • Isabel Flens (Maker)
  • Daria Vaccari (Maker)
  • Rosalie Versmissen (Maker)



This dataset contains the digitised censuses which were created in the NWO-funded Replication Study '(Re)counting the Uncounted. Replication and Contextualisation of Dutch and Belgian Premodern Population Estimates (1350-1800)'.

In total, close to 2,000 premodern censuses (of hearths, houses, communicants, individuals, etc.) in the Low Countries were identified and catalogued. Around 750 of these were used by one or more of the four studies that were replicated in the study. The first batch of completed censuses can be found in this dataset. More data will be added incrementally.
Datum van beschikbaarheid08 apr. 2023
UitgeverIISH Dataverse
Datum van data-aanmaak08 apr. 2023

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