Activiteiten per jaar
- 43 resultaten
Novel Opportunities, Perpetual Barriers. Patterns of Social Mobility and Integration among the Jewish Dutch Elite, 1870-1940
Lex Heerma van Voss (Supervisor), Leo Lucassen (Supervisor) & Karin Hofmeester (Supervisor)
31 mei 2024Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Dragend bestaan: Amsterdamse korendragers in historisch perspectief, ca. 1525-ca. 1940
Jan Lucassen (Supervisor)
01 jun. 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Slavery related activities of predecessors of Nationale Nederlanden - PhD project
Sabine Go (Examiner)
01 apr. 2023 → 2027Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Tran Duc Thao, phenomenology, anticolonialism, postcolonialism, Marxism, WWII
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor) & Pepijn Brandon (Supervisor)
2023 → 2027Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Enslaving Differentiations
Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor) & Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (Supervisor)
2023 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
The Business of Slave Trade in Portuguese Asia
Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor) & Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (Supervisor)
2023 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Innovating around Resistance: Collective Labour Action and Technological Change
Maartje van Gelder (Supervisor) & Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor)
2023 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Differentiating Enslavements
Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor) & Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (Supervisor)
2023 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Beeldvorming in Berichtgeving; Joden toen en Moslims nu
Karin Hofmeester (Supervisor)
04 apr. 2022Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Colonial Girl Power
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor) & Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor)
2021 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Verbonden levenslopen. Sociale ongelijkheid en kindersterfte binnen Bossche deelbuurten, 1814-1903
Kees Mandemakers (Supervisor), Theo Engelen (Supervisor) & Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld (Supervisor)
25 nov. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
The Greek Political Publishing Field During the Long 1960s: Exemplified by the Case of Istorikes Ekdoseis, 1963–1981
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
22 sep. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
The Greek Political Publishing Field During the Long 1960s
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
22 sep. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Dwarsliggers. Motieven om te staken bij de Centrale Werkplaats in Haarlem tijdens de spoorwegstakingen van 1903
Kees Mandemakers (Supervisor) & Lex Heerma van Voss (Supervisor)
10 sep. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Workers’ Power and the Failure of Communism
Marcel van der Linden (Examiner)
20 jan. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Tussen solidariteit en fragmentatie
Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor) & Leo Lucassen (Supervisor)
2020 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision of PhD candidate Eva van der Heijden, IISH/NIDI
H.A.G. de Valk (Supervisor)
2020 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Cape of Storms: The habitus, ideological clashes and accommodation among Cape slave crew communities from 1780-1806
Inger Leemans (Supervisor), Erika Kuijpers (Supervisor) & Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor)
2020 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
A Threatening Geography: Forced Displacement and Convict Labour in Western Siberia, 1879-1953
Nanci Adler (Supervisor) & Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
05 sep. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
‚Im gleichen Boot?’ Produktionsregime und Arbeitskonflikte in der bundesdeutschen und polnischen Schiffbauindustrie in den 1970er Jahren
Marcel van der Linden (Examiner)
24 apr. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Het virus der betrokkenheid. Het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis in het krachtenveld van sociale geschiedenis, sociale bewegingen en collecties, 1935 – 1989
M. 't Hart (Examiner) & Jan Lucassen (Examiner)
10 apr. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Bestand -
Tegen de Stroom
Karin Hofmeester (Supervisor)
2019 → 2024Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Novel Opportunities, Perpetual Barriers: Patterns of Social Mobility and Integration among the Jewish Dutch Elite, 1870-1940
Karin Hofmeester (Supervisor)
2019 → 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Architect van de koloniale staat Het excentrieke leven van Herman Warner Muntinghe (1773 — 1827)
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor), Susan Legêne (Supervisor) & Ronald Kroeze (Supervisor)
2019 → 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision of PhD candidate Eva van der Heijden, IISH/NIDI
H.A.G. de Valk (Supervisor)
2019 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Slavery and mobility in the Dutch early modern overseas empire
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor) & Matthias van Rossum (Supervisor)
2018 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Oil, Labour and Revolution in Iran. A Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry, 1973-1983
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision of PhD candidate Eva van der Heijden, IISH/NIDI
H.A.G. de Valk (Supervisor)
2018 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Traite des esclaves et commerce néerlandais et français à Madagascar (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor)
22 nov. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
"If I deserve it, it should be paid to me". A social history of labour in the Iranian oil industry, 1951-1973
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
11 okt. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Le travail agricole rural en milieux Wolofs et Sérères du Sénégal de 1819 à 1960
Marcel van der Linden (Examiner)
15 dec. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Voetstappen zonder Echo: Het oud-Hollandse 2e/3e/1e regiment jagers/ 33e regiment lichte infanterie aan het werk in de Franse Tijd 1806-1814.
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor) & Jan Lucassen (Supervisor)
2016 → 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Continuity or Change? The Evolution in the Location of Industry in the Netherlands and Belgium (1820 – 2010)
Bas van Leeuwen (Supervisor)
01 dec. 2015 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Promotor of Piet Hoekman: Het Nationaal Arbeids-Secretariaat 1893-1940. De geschiedenis van de eerste vakcentrale in Nederland
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
27 nov. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Promotor of Jannes Houkes: Het Nationaal Arbeids-Secretariaat 1893-1940. De geschiedenis van de eerste vakcentrale in Nederland
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
27 nov. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Co-promotor of Serhan Afacan: State, Society and Labour in Iran, 1906-1941: A Social History of Iranian Industrialization and Labour with Reference to the Textile Industry
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
23 jun. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Co-promotor of Kaveh Ehsani: The Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil Industry.
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
02 okt. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Promotor of Omar Gueye : Mai 1978 au Sénégal, Senghor face au movement syndical
Marcel van der Linden (Supervisor)
06 mei 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision PhD student: Erik Beekink (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, together with Jan Kok)
Kees Mandemakers (Supervisor)
2014 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Traite des esclaves et commerce néerlandais et français à Madagascar (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)
Ulbe Bosma (Supervisor) & Bertrand Hirsch (Supervisor)
2013 → 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision PhD student: Ivo Zandhuis, Striking communities. Social influence between neighbours during the Dutch Railway Strike of 1903 (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, co-promotor Lex Heerma van Voss)
Kees Mandemakers (Supervisor)
2012 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision PhD student: Ashkan Ashkpour, Theory and Practice of Harmonizing Data in Social and Economic History (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, co-promotor Onno Boonstra).
Kees Mandemakers (Supervisor)
2011 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision
Supervision PhD student: A.J.M. (Ton) Sliphorst, Buurt en bewoners binnen de muren 1880-1920. Een microsamenleving in transitie. (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, promotor Th. L. M. Engelen with A.J.A. Bijsterveld and K. Mandemakers).
Kees Mandemakers (Supervisor)
2009 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate supervision