Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 56 resultaten
lid jury bij verdediging proefschrift Benito Trollip
T. van der Wouden (Examiner)
23 jun. 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Lid leescommissie bij PhD defense. De oorlog, de grens en de herinnering. Herinneringsculturen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Roermond en omstreken
L. Cornips (Reviewer (PhD))
14 feb. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Promotiecommissie (Doctoral Examination Board)
L. Cornips (Examiner)
25 jan. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
co-promotor bij promotie Robbert de Troij
Stef Grondelaers (Reviewer (PhD))
2019 → 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
oppositie bij Nina Ouddeken's verdediging van haar proefschrift ‘Voicing in transition. Laryngeal characteristics in West-Germanic and Italo-Romance dialects' aan de Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
10 dec. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
"Op het begin in Culemburg" Taalvariatie en/of taalverandering wat betreft de voorzetselconsituent 'op het begin'.
L. Cornips (Examiner)
03 sep. 2018 → 09 nov. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
PhD Manuscriptcommissie L. Verheijen (Radboud Universiteit)
L. Cornips (Examiner)
01 sep. 2018 → 01 okt. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De oorlog, de grens en de herinnering. De herinneringscultuur van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in grensstad Roermond
L. Cornips (Supervisor)
01 jul. 2018 → 31 jul. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Syntactic variation and change in 19th-century Icelandic
L. Cornips (Supervisor)
01 jul. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Opponent promotie mevr. S. Yankson
L. Cornips (Examiner)
26 mrt. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Lid PhD Manuscriptcie. Stefanie Ramachers: Setting the tone. Acquisition and processing of lexical tone in East-Limburgian dialects of Dutch. Radboud University
L. Cornips (Examiner)
01 sep. 2017 → 01 okt. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member manuscript PhD cie. "Marianne van der Heijden (1922-1998). Het archief als bron van (kunst)historische herinnering:. by Lies Netel Maastricht University
L. Cornips (Examiner)
01 mei 2017 → 01 jul. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member doctorate committee thesis MA Carmen Ebner
L. Cornips (Examiner)
24 jan. 2017 → 07 mrt. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid leescommissie proefschrift Moragh Sanne Gordon, UU
Nicoline van der Sijs (Reviewer (PhD))
2017 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid leescommissie D.J. de Kooter, In de studeervertrekken van de Statenvertalers. Het inwendige wordingsproces van het Nieuwe Testament van de Statenvertaling
Nicoline van der Sijs (Examiner)
2017 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Habilitation committee phonology
M. van Oostendorp (Examiner)
02 dec. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Promotion Committee Full Professorship
M. van Oostendorp (Examiner)
25 nov. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Lid Promotiecommissie F.T.M. Bakker van proefschrift 'Waar scheiden de dialecten in Noord-Limburg: Een dialectometrisch onderzoek naar het gewicht van isoglossen'
L. Cornips (Examiner)
21 nov. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
chair 'manuscriptcommissie'
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
07 nov. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
PhD Thesis evaluation University of Cape Town
L. Cornips (Examiner)
19 sep. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid promotiecommissie van het habilitatiegeschrift Dutch loanwords in Polish van dr. Agata Kowalska-Szubert uit Wroclaw
Nicoline van der Sijs (Examiner)
2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Lid beoordelingscommissie Universiteit Maastricht, Proefschrift Mildred A. de Bruijn.
L. Cornips (Examiner)
21 dec. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
oppositie bij Claudio Couto's verdediging van zijn proefschrift 'A fonologia do Saynáwa (Pano) aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
10 dec. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
PhD Defense Mirjam Hachem: Multifunctionality. The Internal and External Syntax of D- and W-items in German and Dutch
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
04 sep. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member PhD defense committee Griet Coupé: Syntactic Extension. The historical development of Dutch verb clusters.
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
05 jun. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member PhD defense committee Marko Simonovic: Lexicon Immigration Service
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
28 mei 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member PhD defense committee Pelin Onar Valk: Transformation in Dutch Turkish Subordination.
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member PhD defense committee Emilienne Ngangoum: When Synchrony meets Diachrony. The negation system of Fefe in the light of the Jespersen Cycle
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
16 mei 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Supervisor - PhD defense Marko Hladnik: Mind the Gap. Resumption in Slavic Relative Clauses.
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
30 apr. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
oppositie bij Edo Cavirani's verdediging van zijn proefschrift 'Modelling phonologization' aan de Universiteit Leiden
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
24 mrt. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member thesis committee Emilienne Ngangoum, Utrecht University
S. Barbiers (Reviewer (PhD))
09 jan. 2015 → 09 feb. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member thesis committee Pelin Onar, Tilburg University
S. Barbiers (Reviewer (PhD))
05 jan. 2015 → 18 feb. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Member thesis committee Marko Simonovic: Lexicon Immigration Service
S. Barbiers (Reviewer (PhD))
02 jan. 2015 → 14 feb. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Defense PhD-thesis Cédric Becquey
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
16 dec. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Referee report PhD position
Nicoline van der Sijs (Reviewer (PhD))
2014 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Externe Organisatie)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Reviewer (PhD))
08 nov. 2013Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid oppositie bij verdediging dissertatie Marjoleine Sloos (U Groningen), 28.2.2013
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
28 feb. 2013Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
opponent promotiecommissie Kees de Schepper
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
2013Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Referee promotion Senior Lecturer
L. Cornips (Examiner)
2013Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Lid lees- en promotiecommissie Sara Lusini
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
2013Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Begeleider/co-promotor van E. Ooijevaar (Universiteit Leiden/Meertens Instituut).
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Supervisor)
01 jun. 2012 → 31 mei 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid oppositie bij promotie van Mw. Maike Prehn (UvA, 31.1.2012)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
03 jan. 2012Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
member reading committee and opponent PhD Ankelien Schippers
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
2012Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Begeleider/promotor van L. van Meel (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen).
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Supervisor)
15 mrt. 2010 → 15 mrt. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid manuscriptcie en oppositie promotie mevr. MariCruz Lasarte Cervantes
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
2010Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid mscie en oppositie bij promotie D. Eberhard
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
2009Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid oppositie bij promotie J. Audring
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
2009Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Opponent bij promotie Michel Heijdra
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
2009Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
lid promotiecommissie Suzanne Aalberse.
H.J. Bennis (Examiner)
2009Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Lid promotiecommissie en opponent Erik Schoorlemmer
S. Barbiers (Examiner)
2009Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination