Activiteiten per jaar
- 600 - 650 van 1.624 resultaten
International Workshop 'Intergenerational Transfers and Immigrant Population'
E.N. Rooyackers (Speaker)
11 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
International Workshop 'Intergenerational Transfers and Immigrant Population'
H.A.G. de Valk (Invited speaker)
11 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
ECSR Conference 2015 ‘Cumulative Inequalities in the Life Course’
M.D. Brons (Speaker)
10 sep. 2015 → 12 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Annual Conference 2015
H.A.G. de Valk (Speaker)
07 sep. 2015 → 09 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Invite Plenary lecture 'European migrants: new demographic questions and challenges? '. Presented at the British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Annual Conference 2015, 7-9 September 2015, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
H.A.G. de Valk (Invited speaker)
07 sep. 2015 → 09 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Annual Conference 2015
E.N. Rooyackers (Speaker)
07 sep. 2015 → 09 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Annual Conference 2015
H.A.G. de Valk (Speaker)
07 sep. 2015 → 09 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
2015 Annual ESPAnet Conference 'The Lost and the New Worlds of Welfare'
H.A.G. de Valk (Speaker)
03 sep. 2015 → 05 sep. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
55th ERSA Congress
B. Sleutjes (Speaker)
25 aug. 2015 → 29 aug. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Tracking Family Planning Expenditures. A new UNFPA/NIDI survey
K.L. Vrijburg (Speaker)
25 aug. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM)
J. Oude Mulders (Speaker)
07 aug. 2015 → 11 aug. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference 'Longitudinal Studies: Maximising their Value for Ageing Research'
L. Elsenburg (Speaker)
21 jul. 2015 → 23 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
'Administrative Data Linking in the GGP and the legal and ethical challenges'. Presentation at the 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA),13th-17th July 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland.
T. Emery (Speaker)
13 jul. 2015 → 17 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
'Grandparents, Nurseries and Employment Options: The Geography of the return to work for Mothers in the Netherlands'. Presentation at the 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA),13th-17th July 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland.
T. Emery (Speaker)
13 jul. 2015 → 17 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
11th International Health Economics Association (IHEA) Congress
P. Hernández-Peña (Speaker)
12 jul. 2015 → 15 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Van Mol, C. (2015). The battlegrounds of European identity: on the meaning of identification with Europe. Paper presented on 9 July 2015, at the 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Paris, 8-10 July 2015.
C. Van Mol (Speaker)
08 jul. 2015 → 10 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
14th European Congress of Psychology
C.M. Fokkema (Speaker)
07 jul. 2015 → 10 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Paper 'The limiting effect of health on labour force participation at older ages', presented at the conference of the Federation of Canadian Demographers, 4-5 June 2015, Ottawa, Canada.
G.E. Bijwaard (Speaker)
04 jul. 2015 → 05 jul. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Presentation 'Legal conditions of family related child migrants to France'. Paper presented at the IMISCOE annual conference, Geneva, 25-27 June 2015.
T. Eremenko (Speaker)
25 jun. 2015 → 27 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
European Congress of Epidemiology 2015 'Healthy Living'
L. Elsenburg (Speaker)
25 jun. 2015 → 27 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Eremenko, T.(speaker) & de Valk, H. A.G. (2015), The Role of Family and International Migration Dynamics in the Formation of Single-Parent Families. Presentation at the IMISCOE annual conference Geneva 25-27 June 2015.
T. Eremenko (Speaker)
25 jun. 2015 → 27 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Van Mol, C. (2015). The lure of international cities: Destination choices of Erasmus students. Paper presented at the 12th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Geneva, 27/06/2015.
C. Van Mol (Speaker)
25 jun. 2015 → 27 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
12th IMISCO Annual Conference, Geneva, 25-27 June 2015
K. Caarls (Speaker)
25 jun. 2015 → 27 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Emery, T, (2015) "Harmonization in the GGP", Presentation for the GGP-PERFAM workshop on data harmonization, NIDI, the Hague, June 23 2015
T. Emery (Speaker)
23 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
XII Conference of Young Demographers 'The spatial dimension of demographic change – methods, analyses, data'
Frans Willekens (Keynote speaker)
23 jun. 2015 → 24 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
HAPS seminar A Life Course Approach to Healthy Ageing
L. Elsenburg (Speaker)
18 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Travaux en Econométrie et Microéconomie Appliquée (TEMA)
G.E. Bijwaard (Invited speaker)
18 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
'GGP Annual Report'. Presentation for the GGP Consortium Board Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Oxford.
T. Emery (Speaker)
15 jun. 2015 → 16 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Dromen over een geldloze maatschappij
H.P. van Dalen (Speaker)
15 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
Conference 'Fœtus et mort-nés - gestion des corps, enregistrement et vécu familial'
F.W.A. van Poppel (Speaker)
11 jun. 2015 → 12 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Labour force transitions in late life: causes and consequences
C.J.I.M. Henkens (Invited speaker)
11 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Presentation 'High-level human capital: an introduction'. Paper presented at the Symposium 'How to retain high-level human capital' on the occasion of Jim Vaupel’s 70th birthday, Rostock, Germany, 9 June 2015.
Frans Willekens (Speaker)
09 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Eenzaamheid; kenmerken, risicogroepen en aanpak
J. Gierveld (Speaker)
04 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
Migration and Integration in Europe, 1950-2015
C. Van Mol (Speaker)
04 jun. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
RC28 Conference 'Social Inequality, Cohesion and Solidarity', Tilburg, 28-30 May 2015
J.C. Koops (Speaker)
28 mei 2015 → 30 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
RC28 Conference 'Social Inequality, Cohesion and Solidarity', Tilburg, 28-30 May 2015
E. Dingemans (Speaker)
28 mei 2015 → 30 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
RC28 Conference 'Social Inequality, Cohesion and Solidarity', Tilburg, 28-30 May 2015
M.D. Brons (Speaker)
28 mei 2015 → 30 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Migration and immigrants in Europe: a historical and demographic perspective
C. Van Mol (Speaker)
28 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
Dag van de Sociologie, Amsterdam, 27 mei 2015
J.C. Koops (Speaker)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
De Europese migrant in beeld
H.A.G. de Valk (Speaker)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
Presentation ’Gender differences in bridge employment among European retirees’. Paper presented at the ’Dag van de Sociologie’, Amsterdam, 27 May 2015.
E. Dingemans (Speaker)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Dag van de Sociologie, Amsterdam, 27 mei 2015
M.D. Brons (Speaker)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Presentation of the paper 'Intelligence as a mediator of the mortality difference by education' at the HEDG Seminars (Health Econometrics and Data Group), University of York, Health Economics Resource Centre (HERC), 27th May 2015.
G.E. Bijwaard (Invited speaker)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
De dubbelhartige pensioendeelnemer, Over vertrouwen, keuzevrijheid en keuzes in pensioenopbouw
H.P. van Dalen (Speaker)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Maatschappelijk
ESS-workshop Nederland in context: verschillen en overeenkomsten
M.D. Brons (Speaker)
22 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
ESRC Seminar Series – Reimagining Loneliness - Understanding loneliness: A glass half full or half empty?
J. Gierveld (Speaker)
08 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Invited Lecture on 'Family Disadvantage and Demographic Behaviour: A Comparative Perspective'. Paper presented at the Broom Center for Demography Workshop on Environmental and Economic Impacts on Human Demography, May 4, 2015, Santa Barbara, CA.
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
04 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), San Diego, April 30 - May 2, 2015
T. Eremenko (Speaker)
30 apr. 2015 → 02 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), San Diego, April 30 - May 2, 2015
T. Emery (Speaker)
30 apr. 2015 → 02 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch