Activiteiten per jaar
- 50 - 100 van 949 resultaten
co-promotor bij promotie Robbert de Troij
Stef Grondelaers (Reviewer (PhD))
2019 → 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Co-promotor Husam Eldin Salah I. Mohamed
Jos Houbraken (Supervisor)
12 apr. 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Co-promotor of PhD candidate Michaël Boissonneault, NIDI/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
J.A.A. de Beer (Supervisor)
12 jul. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Co-promotor Oscar Strik: Modelling Analogical Change A history of Swedish and Frisian verb inflection (Groningen, 2015)
A.P. Versloot (Examiner)
15 okt. 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Co-promotor PhD defence
Bart A. Nolet (Examiner)
08 okt. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Corona Ph.D. defence T. van Gassen
G.A.M. Van Synghel (Examiner)
28 mrt. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Corona Ph.D. defendence Karel van Laarhoven: Water relations of penicillium rubens on porous substrates.
Jan Dijksterhuis (Examiner)
20 apr. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Corona public Ph.D. defence T. van Gassen
G.A.M. Van Synghel (Examiner)
18 apr. 2017Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Corrie van Maris, Woudanus’ gravures van de Leidse universiteit (1610) in context.
H.G.M. Jorink (Supervisor) & Marika Keblusek (Supervisor)
2014 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Co-supervisor PhD thesis
H.G.M. Jorink (Examiner)
28 nov. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Courtroom of Conflict. Criminal Law, Local Elites and legal Pluralities in Colonial Java
M. Bloembergen (Reviewer (PhD))
2017 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Crime, gender and social control in early modern Frankfurt am Main
Manon Van der Heijden (Supervisor) & Leo Lucassen (Supervisor)
29 nov. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Daan Mertens, Thesis committee
Arjen Biere (Examiner)
03 nov. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Daphnids adaptive strategies to UV radiation
Steven A.J. Declerck (Examiner)
21 mei 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Da qu- a traditional fermentation starter in China: Microbial ecology and functionality
Jan Dijksterhuis (Examiner)
21 mei 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Data Retrieval Practice: Seeking and Evaluating Research Data
A.M. Scharnhorst (Examiner)
2017 → 2021Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
David Kromhout, Clashes of Discourses: Calvinists and Humanists in Seventeenth-Century Academic Leiden (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
H.J.M. Nellen (Examiner)
13 apr. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De beul van Amersfoort. Biografie van Josef Kotalla (1908-1979)
Hinke Piersma (Supervisor), Hans Renders (Supervisor), C R Ribbens (Reviewer (PhD)), Ismee Tames (Reviewer (PhD)) & Peter Romijn (Examiner)
24 okt. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Decision Making under Conditions of Non-Knowledge in Late- and Post-Hanseatic City Governments
A.J. Brand (Examiner)
24 jan. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De eindeloze stad. Troje en Trojaanse oorsprongsmythen in de (laat)middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden
J.W.J. Burgers (Reviewer (PhD))
05 feb. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
deelname aan promotiecommissie
A.B.G.M. van Kalmthout (Examiner)
2021 → sep. 2021Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
deelname promotiecommissie
A.B.G.M. van Kalmthout (Examiner)
2021Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Deelname promotiecommissie Ellen Debackere
Leo Lucassen (Examiner)
13 apr. 2016Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De expat en de stad. Den Haag en Jakarta, 1945-2015
Leo Lucassen (Supervisor)
25 jan. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Defense PhD-thesis Cédric Becquey
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (Examiner)
16 dec. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
defense Valerie Reijers
Monique de Jager (Examiner)
04 jul. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De grens getrokken. De Noord-Nederlandse grensbewoners in verhouding tot de Duitse grensbewoners en hun verbondenheid met de Duitse grensstreek in het algemeen tussen 1914 en 1964
Peter Romijn (Examiner)
16 jan. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De onontkoombare afkomst van Eli d’Oliveira. Een Portugees-Joodse familiegeschiedenis
Peter Romijn (Examiner)
27 mei 2015Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De oorlog, de grens en de herinnering. De herinneringscultuur van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in grensstad Roermond
L. Cornips (Supervisor)
01 jul. 2018 → 31 jul. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De oorlog verzameld. Het ontstaan van de collectie van het Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
Peter Romijn (Examiner)
14 nov. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De Rode Jonker
Peter Romijn (Examiner)
09 feb. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De stilte en de storm. 4 en 5 mei sinds 1945
C R Ribbens (Reviewer (PhD))
15 dec. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De stilte en de storm. 4 en 5 mei sinds 1945
Marjan Schwegman (Examiner)
15 dec. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De taal, het kind, de liefde. Josepha Mendels (1902-1995)
Marjan Schwegman (Examiner)
08 dec. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
De Veluwe gereformeerd. Regionale machtswisseling en religieuze verandering in de zestiende eeuw
J.A. Mol (Examiner)
30 sep. 2021Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Didi van Trijp, Enlightened Fish Books: A New History of Eighteenth-Century Ichthyology (1686-1828
H.G.M. Jorink (Supervisor) & Paul J. Smith (Supervisor)
2015 → …Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Die Geschichte weitererzählen: Zum Umgang mit kolonialhistorischen Fotografien in analoger und digitaler Zirkulation
Martijn Eickhoff (Examiner)
24 okt. 2024Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Disentangling microbial decomposition networks Linking detritus-based soil microbial food webs to ecosystem processes
Paul Bodelier (Examiner)
06 jun. 2018Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Diversity and plant growth promoting potential of microbiota associated with sugarcane in Pakistan
G.H.J. Kema (Examiner), Eiko Kuramae (Examiner), George Kowalchuk (Examiner), L.S. van Overbeek (Examiner) & Hauke Smidt (Supervisor)
31 dec. 2014Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Diving deep into a tiny world - Effects of drought on the predatory mite Phytoseilus persimilis
Jetske de Boer (Examiner)
20 mrt. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Diving into Artworks Interpretations through the lenses of semantic data: An application on Panofsky's iconological studies.
Charles van den Heuvel (Reviewer (PhD))
05 apr. 2024Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Doctoral Advisory Committee
M. Balkenhol (Reviewer (PhD))
11 okt. 2022Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Domeinen in beweging. Samenleving, bezit en exploitatie in het West-Utrechts landschap tot in de nieuwe tijd
A.J. Brand (Examiner)
20 dec. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Domeinen in beweging. Samenleving, bezit en exploitatie in het West-Utrechts landschap tot in de nieuwe tijd
A.J. Brand (Examiner)
17 jun. 2020Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
'Doodzwijgen leek de beste oplossing.' Militairen versus media, Nederlands-Indië, 1945-1949
C R Ribbens (Examiner)
15 nov. 2013Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Down to the roots: Plant-mediated interactions between shoot- and root-feeding insect herbivores
Arjen Biere (Examiner)
08 apr. 2022Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Downy mildew-associated microbiomes
P.J.P.L. Texeira (Examiner), Eiko Kuramae (Examiner), L.A. Smit (Examiner), H.A.B. Wosten (Examiner) & I. de Bruijn (Examiner)
20 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Dries Claeys: Land, staat en bevolking. De wederopbouw van het Belgische platteland na de Eerste Wereldoorlog
S.M. Elpers (Examiner)
20 sep. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Echoing Events. The perpetuation of national narratives in English and Dutch history textbooks, 1920-2010
C R Ribbens (Examiner)
21 nov. 2019Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination
Ecological and evolutionary impacts of organic versus conventional agriculture on farmland pond biota
Steven A.J. Declerck (Examiner)
05 jan. 2023Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/Supervisie › PhD candidate reviewing/examination