Activiteiten per jaar
- 50 resultaten
Union Changes and Mental Health
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
04 mrt. 2019Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Social Background and Risky Demographic Behaviour. a Cross-National Analysis of the Role of Parental Education, Growing up without Both Parents and Sibling Size
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
09 jun. 2018Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Meta-analysis and meta-regression: An alternative to multi-level analysis with a small number of level-2 units
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
31 okt. 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand the Social Stratification of Fertility
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
12 okt. 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Social Background and Risky Demographic Behaviours: A Cross-National Analysis of the Role of Parental Education, Growing Up Without Both Parents and Sibling Size
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
19 sep. 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Social Background and Risky Demographic Behaviours: A Cross-National Analysis of the Role of Parental Education, Growing Up Without Both Parents and Sibling Size
A.C. Liefbroer (Keynote speaker)
21 aug. 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Sociale herkomst, demografisch gedrag en welbevinden: Illustraties van een onderzoeksprogramma
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
15 mei 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Adolescents’ Expectations About the Timing of Family Life Events: Unraveling the Role of Value Transmission and Modeling
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
27 apr. 2017 → 29 apr. 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Social inequality and demographic behaviour: cross-national differences in the importance of parental socio-economic status
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
19 apr. 2017Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Nederlandse Demografiedag 2016
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
23 nov. 2016Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
International conference on sequence analysis and related methods Lausanne, 8-10 June 2016
A.C. Liefbroer (Keynote speaker)
08 jun. 2016 → 10 jun. 2016Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
De levensloopbenadering in sociologisch en demografisch onderzoek
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
12 jan. 2016Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Invited Lecture on 'Family Disadvantage and Demographic Behaviour: A Comparative Perspective'. Paper presented at the Broom Center for Demography Workshop on Environmental and Economic Impacts on Human Demography, May 4, 2015, Santa Barbara, CA.
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
04 mei 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Invited Keynote Lecture on 'Family Disadvantage and Demographic Behaviour: A Comparative Perspective' at the Plenary Session of the Netherlands Demographic Society at the Italian Population Days 2015, February 4-6, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
A.C. Liefbroer (Keynote speaker)
04 feb. 2015 → 06 feb. 2015Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
5th Relations Cross Nations (RCN) workshop, Turin, 28-29 March 2014
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
28 mrt. 2014 → 29 mrt. 2014Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Religion and marriage attitudes across Europe: examining the role of the religious context. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2013Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Religion and marriage attitudes across Europe: examining the role of the religious context. Invited lecture.
A.C. Liefbroer (Keynote speaker)
2013Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Understanding cross-national differences in intergenerational solidarity: insights from the Generations and Gender Programme. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
jul. 2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Fertility intentions and decisions in multi-dimensional life courses. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Does criminal behaviour influence demographic behaviour? And if so, why and under which conditions? Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Understanding cross-national differences in intergenerational solidarity: insights from the Generations and Gender Programme. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Religion and marriage attitudes across Europe: examening the role of the religious context. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Child care and child births: the role of grandparents in The Netherlands. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Implications of criminal behavior on intimate relationships for high-risk men and women. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Why do intimate partners not live together?: evidence on LAT relationships across Europe. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
The Generations and Gender Programme: a large-scale, longitudinal, comparative data infrastructure for understanding adult life courses. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Intergenerationele overdracht naar opleidingsniveau. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2012Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Generations and Gender Programme: current status and future challenges. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Why do intimate partners not live together?: evidence on LAT relationships across Europe. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Lange-termijn trends in het effect van opleiding op het demografisch gedrag van jong-volwassenen. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Generations and Gender Survey. What's in it? Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Beschikbaar stellen van survey data: een visie vanuit de demografie. Keynote speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Some reflections on the potential contribution of the GGP to active ageing indicators. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Why do intimate partners not live together?: evidence on LAT relationships across Europe. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Why do intimate partners not live together?: evidence on LAT relationships across Europe. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
The timing of life: understanding cross-national differences in the organization of the life course in Europe. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Mixed-mode approaches in the Generations and Gender Survey: past experience and future expectations. Keynote speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Double standards in the transition to adulthood. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Double standards: a cross-European study on differences in norms on voluntary childlessness for men and women. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2011Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Standardization of pathways to adulthood?: an analysis of Dutch cohorts born between 1850 and 1900. Paper presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2010Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Why do Europeans postpone and reduce fertility?: insights from longitudinal and cross-national surveys. Presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Keynote speaker)
2010Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Second demographic transition. Invited speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2010Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Addressing contemporary demographic challenges. What it takes to understand why Europeans postpone and reduce fertility?: insights from longitudinal and cross-national surveys. Invited lecture
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2010Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Religion and family values in Europe: internal secularisation or reformation?: presentation of paper
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
13 nov. 2008Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Transities in de levensloop: resultaten van de ESS 2006 module: invited speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
20 nov. 2007Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Intergenerational transmission of behavioural patterns: similarity of parents' and children's family-life trajectories: invited speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
06 sep. 2007Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Intergenerational transmission of behavioural patterns: similarity of parents' and children's family life trajectories: invited speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
19 jun. 2007Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Recent trends in demographic attitudes and behaviour: is the second demographic transition moving to Southern and Eastern Europe?: invited speaker
A.C. Liefbroer (Speaker)
15 feb. 2007Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
Willing to commit?: singles' relational preferences from a life course perspective: Paper presentation
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2005Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch
De maakbare levensloop?: Lezing
A.C. Liefbroer (Invited speaker)
2005Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatie › Academisch