- 14 resultaten
Data from: Ingrained city rhythms: flexible activity timing but more persistent circadian pace in urban birds
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Timpen, F. (Maker) & Spoelstra, K. (Maker), DataverseNL, 13 apr. 2023
DOI: 10.34894/8KYFYO
Data from: Climate change relaxes the time constraints for late-born offspring in a long-distance migrant
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Marine Data Archive, 14 okt. 2016
Data from: Carrying a logger reduces escape flight speed in a passerine bird, but relative logger mass may be a misleading measure of this flight performance detriment
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Bil, W. (Maker), van der Jeugd, H. P. (Maker) & Pieters, R. P. M. (Maker), Dryad, 30 okt. 2018
Data from: Early arrival is not associated with more extra-pair fertilizations in a long-distance migratory bird.
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Caglar, E. (Maker), De la Hera, I. (Maker), Mateman, A. C. (Maker) & Visser, M. E. (Maker), Marine Data Archive, 15 jan. 2019
Data from: Short-term, but not long-term, increased daytime workload leads to decreased night-time energetics in a free-living song bird
Visser, M. E. (Maker), van Dooremalen, C. (Maker), Tomotani, B. (Maker), Bushuev, A. (Maker), Meijer, H. A. J. (Maker), te Marvelde, L. (Maker) & Gienapp, P. (Maker), Dryad, 17 jul. 2019
Data from: Simulated moult reduces flight performance but overlap with breeding does not affect breeding success in a long-distance migrant
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Muijres, F. T. (Maker), Koelman, J. (Maker), Casagrande, S. (Maker) & Visser, M. E. (Maker), Dryad, 22 aug. 2017
DOI: 10.5061/dryad.d3b3t
Data from: A songbird compensates for wing molt during escape flights by reducing the molt gap and increasing angle-of-attack
Tomotani, B. (Maker) & Muijres, F. T. (Maker), Dryad, 25 apr. 2019
Data from: Climate change leads to differential shifts in the timing of annual cycle stages in a migratory bird
Tomotani, B. (Maker), van der Jeugd, H. P. (Maker), Gienapp, P. (Maker), De la Hera, I. (Maker), Pilzecker, J. (Maker), Teichmann, C. (Maker) & Visser, M. E. (Maker), Marine Data Archive, 19 nov. 2019
Data from: Timing manipulations reveal the lack of a causal link across timing of annual-cycle stages in a long-distance migrant
Tomotani, B. (Maker), De la Hera, I. (Maker), Lange, C. (Maker), van Lith, B. (Maker), Meddle, S. L. (Maker), Both, C. (Maker) & Visser, M. E. (Maker), Dryad, 19 aug. 2019
Data from: Genotypes selected for early and late avian lay date differ in their phenotype, but not fitness, in the wild
Lindner, M. (Maker), Ramakers, J. (Maker), Verhagen, I. C. (Maker), Tomotani, B. (Maker), Mateman, A. C. (Maker), Gienapp, P. (Maker) & Visser, M. E. (Maker), Dryad, 16 aug. 2023
data from: Great tits do not compensate over time for a radio-tag-induced reduction in escape-flight performance
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Muijres, F. T. (Maker), Johnston, B. (Maker), van der Jeugd, H. P. (Maker) & Naguib, M. (Maker), Dryad, 21 jan. 2023
S-EPMC8803797: Extreme bill dimorphism leads to different but overlapping isotopic niches and similar trophic positions in sexes of the charismatic extinct huia
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Salvador, R. B. (Maker), Sabadel, A. J. M. (Maker), Miskelly, C. M. (Maker), Brown, J. C. S. (Maker), Delgado, J. (Maker), Boussès, P. (Maker), Cherel, Y. (Maker), Waugh, S. M. (Maker) & Bury, S. J. (Maker), Springer, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-021-05082-8
Polygenic basis for adaptive morphological variation in a threatened Aotearoa | New Zealand bird, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta)
Duntsch, L. (Maker), Tomotani, B. (Maker), de Villemereuil, P. (Maker), Brekke, P. (Maker), Lee, K. D. (Maker), Ewen, J. G. (Maker) & Santure, A. W. (Maker), Dryad, 25 sep. 2020
data from: Circadian clock period length is not consistently linked to chronotype in a wild songbird
Tomotani, B. (Maker), Strauss, A. (Maker), Kishkinev, D. (Maker), van de Haar, H. (Maker) & Helm, B. (Maker), Figshare, 31 jul. 2024
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.26090455.v1