Louise E.M. Vet

prof. dr.

Vorige affiliaties
  • Droevendaalsesteeg 10

    6708 PB Wageningen


1980 …2024

Onderzoeksoutput per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel




Former director of the NIOO (1999-2019)

Personal Page:  https://nioo.knaw.nl/nl/employees/louise-vet


Research Interests:

Louise Vet is a professor of Evolutionary Ecology at Wageningen University and director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), a research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is an ecologist with a broad interest in ecology and evolution, working on multitrophic interactions, parasitoid behaviour and especially parasitoid learning. Her research involves chemical, behavioural and molecular ecology of plants and insects in a multitrophic and community context. The research ranges from fundamental to strategic: from questions on the evolution of species traits and species interactions within communities to the strategic development of sustainable agro-ecosystems that are primarily based on the prevention of pests and diseases (life-support function of biodiversity). She is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vet was awarded several international prizes (e.g. British Rank Prize for Nutrition). 


Evolutionary ecology of multitrophic systems;

Search strategy and life history of insect parasitoids;

Role of infochemicals; Information processing;



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