Marion Wittenberg

Drs, Service Manager DataverseNL


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Persoonlijk profiel


My name is Marion Wittenberg and I am Service Manager for DataverseNL at DANS. DataverseNL is a repository service in which Dutch universities and research institutes can host their own institutional repository. I really like to build together with the universities and research institutes a community for FAIR data management.

Furthermore, I coordinate at DANS our involvement in the SSHOC project (Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud) 

You can read more about DANS at

I have a long background in data archiving, started in 1985 at the Steinmetz Archive, at that time the social science data archive of the Netherlands. I studied sociology and social science informatics at the University of Amsterdam.

Feel free to get in touch with me by email marion.wittenberg[at]


  • H Social Sciences (General)


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