Allianz European Demographer Award 2016

Prijs: Prijs (inclusief medailles en onderscheidingen)Academisch


Helga de Valk is awarded with the Allianz European Demographer Award 2016. The prize is 3000€. The award ceremony will take place at the 5th Berlin Demography Forum (BDF), on February 24-25 2016, at the presence of the German federal minister Gröhe and Allianz CEO Dr. Knof. In order to support outstanding research on the causes and consequences of population developments in Europe, the Allianz SE, in the framework of the Berlin Demography Forum ( ), and in collaboration with Population Europe ( ), the network of Europe’s foremost demographic research institutes, invites proposals for nominees for the Allianz European Demographer Award.
Toekennende organisatieAllianz SE
