Humanities at Scale (HaS) helps to improve and sustain digital research in the arts and humanities. It can be understood as an add on to DARIAH. It is set up to improve DARIAH in fostering new and sustaining existing knowledge in digitally enabled research in the arts and humanities.
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In order to achieve these goals HaS focuses on three main activities:
1. Growing the DARIAH community:
Networking: Bring researchers together “Humanities at Scale” aims to grow the group of members associated with DARIAH. For this purpose, the project integrates new regional communities and new research communities.
Funding: Help to find funds HaS supports the growth of DARIAH with ambassadors for digital humanities and alternative funding models.
Education: Expand knowledge HaS offers as well a dedicated pan-European training programme on digital arts and humanities. HaS will also organize summer schools and master classes in regions without a longstanding tradition in digital humanities.
2. Developing core services:
Better access to DARIAH contributions “Humanities at Scale” will better integrate the existing contributions from DARIAH member states and will make its complex model of national contributions more accessible as a whole.
Support research The project supports digital humanities projects as the main contributors to DARIAH with basic infrastructure services that they will need throughout their lifecycle. This will make digital humanities projects’ integration with DARIAH much easier, as the integration starts at a much earlier point in their conception.
Open Access Furthermore, the project concentrates on open access in two new domains of open data and open methods in the arts and humanities.
3. Informing research communities:
Information plays a crucial role within the “Humanities at Scale” project. HaS will disseminate results to relevant academic, cultural, industrial communities and the interested public through publications, presentations and online media.
Verken de onderzoeksgebieden die bij dit project aan de orde zijn gekomen. Deze labels worden gegenereerd op basis van de onderliggende prijzen/beurzen. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.