RDA Europe: the European plug-in to the Research Data Alliance (RDA)



The RDA Europe 4.0 project has supported the mission and operation of RDA global, the engagement of the European community and the positioning of RDA in the EOSC landscape for the full duration of the project from March 2018 until September 2020.

The ambitious 33-month project was run by a consortium comprising 5 Partners and 9 Third Parties (the Pioneer National Nodes) all of which are domain skilled, complementary institutions and organisations that have been drivers of RDA in Europe since its launch in 2013.
Korte titelRDA EU 4.0
Effectieve start/einddatum01/03/201830/09/2020


Verken de onderzoeksgebieden die bij dit project aan de orde zijn gekomen. Deze labels worden gegenereerd op basis van de onderliggende prijzen/beurzen. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.