TransLatin The Transnational Impact of Latin Theatre from the Early Modern Netherlands



During the last decade, transnational literary studies try to overcome structures of ‘national’ literary historiography grounded in nineteenth-century state-building. Literary studies of early modern Europe (1500-1650) are being rewritten, but the intrinsic transnational impact of Neo-Latin literature, especially drama, has been overlooked. This is particularly unfortunate, since this omission has resulted in a distorted view of early modern literature in European languages.

Beschrijving in lekentaal

During the last decade, transnational literary studies try to overcome structures of ‘national’ literary historiography grounded in nineteenth-century state-building. Literary studies of early modern Europe (1500-1650) are being rewritten, but the intrinsic transnational impact of Neo-Latin literature, especially drama, has been overlooked. This is particularly unfortunate, since this omission has resulted in a distorted view of early modern literature in European languages.


transnationalism drama Neo-Latin
Effectieve start/einddatum01/01/202031/12/2023


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