title = "Давид Борисович Рязанов и книги в 1890-х годах",
abstract = "The papar is devoted to the early period of life of D.Rjazanov that was reconstructed on the basis of his prison file in 1893-1896.",
keywords = "David Rjazanov, Marx-Engels Institute, labour history, marxist and social history collections",
author = "Irina Novichenko",
note = "Novichenko I.Ju. David Borisovich Rjazanov i knigi v 1890-ch godach // Predvarjaja revoluciju: knizhnye, archivnye i muzejnye kollekcii: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii Tret'i Rjazanovskie chtenija (19 fevralja 2016). - Moskva, GPIB, 2016. p. 22-55.",
year = "2017",
language = "Russisch",
pages = "22--55",