title = "Д.Б. Рязанов и его {"}корреспонденты{"}: к истории комплектования Института К.Маркса и Ф.Энгельса (1921-1931 гг.)",
abstract = "The paper is devoted to the acquisition policy and practice of David Rjazanov as the director of the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow in 1920s.",
keywords = "David Rjazanov, Marx-Engels Institute, labour history, marxist and social history collections",
author = "Irina Novichenko",
note = "D.B. Rjazanov i ego {"}korrespondenty{"}: k istorii komplektovanija Instituta K.Marksa i F.Engel'sa (1921-1931 гг.) // Kniznye i dokumental'nye kollekcii 20 veka: ideologii i obstojatel'stva: materialy nauchnoj konferencii {"}Vtorye Rjazanovskie chtenija{"} (18-19 marta 2015). - Moskva, GPIB, 2016. S. 18-27.",
year = "2016",
language = "Russisch",
pages = "18--27",