A Computational Re-Examination of Béla Bartók's Transcription Methods as Exemplified by his Sirató Transcriptions of 1937/1938 and their Relevance for Contemporary Methods of Computational Transcription of Qur'an Recitation

D.P. Biró, P. van Kranenburg

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in boek/boekdeelBijdrage aan conferentie proceedingsWetenschappelijkpeer review

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This is a study about furthering transcription methods via com- putational means. In particular we re-examine Bartók’s methods of transcription to see how his project of transcription might be continued incorporating 21st century technology. We then go on to apply our established analytical and computational tools to examples of Qur’an recitation, in order to test hypotheses about connections between the rules of Qur’an recitation (tajwīd) and the establishment of salient tones within Qur’an recitation per- formance.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelProceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA2014)
RedacteurenA. Holzapfel
Plaats van productieIstanbul
UitgeverijBoğaziçi University
Aantal pagina's8
StatusGepubliceerd - 2014


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