A Contrastive Grammar of Brazilian Pomeranian

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Pomeranian is the West Germanic language spoken by European emigrants who went from Farther Pomerania (present day Poland) to Brazil in the period 1857–1887. This language is no longer spoken in cohesive societies in Europe, but the language has survived and is in remarkably good shape on this language island in the tropical state of Espirito Santo. This monograph offers the first synchronic grammar of this language. After a historical introduction, the book offers a systematic description of its phonology, morphology and syntax.
The language is contrasted with its European sisters, more particularly High German, Dutch, and Frisian. It highlights various phenomena that will presumably contribute to the ongoing theoretical debate on the Germanic verbal system.
It provides new data on cluster V2, do-support, and the two infinitives. As to the infinitival syntax, the language shows remarkable parallels to the system of Frisian. As to the rich Pomeranian system of subtractive morphology, the phonological account that is offered, will be important for the ongoing
discussion of the abstractness of phonological representations. Finally, Pomeranian is a welcome addition to the set of languages on which our etymological understanding of West Germanic is based.
Originele taal-2Engels
UitgeverijJohn Benjamins Publishing
Aantal pagina's292
ISBN van elektronische versie978 90 272 6353 7
ISBN van geprinte versie978 90 272 0145 4
StatusGepubliceerd - 2019

Publicatie series

NaamLinguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today
UitgeverijJohn Benjamins


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