ARIADNE+ Archaeology Data Protocol: Prototype of online tool

P.K. Doorn (Ontwikkelaar)

Onderzoeksoutput: Niet-tekstuele vormWebsiteWetenschappelijk


There is a growing demand to make research transparant and replicable. To this aim, the movements towards Open Science and FAIR research data contribute (FAIR = Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

This Protocol offers pre-formulated answers to the core requirements for research data management (RDM) as formulated by Science Europe, the association of major public organisations that fund or perform research in Europe. Many research councils and universities in Europe, including the Horizon Europe programme, accept the Science Europe core requirements as the basis for a data management plan (DMP), in order to make research data open and FAIR.

This Protocol is tailored to the field of archaeology and heritage studies, and is based on the principle of "comply or explain". The archaeologist complying with the statements in this Protocol can save a lot of time when preparing a DMP: only when you deviate from the standard reply, a further explanation is required. The Protocol template offers text boxes that can be filled out to provide necessary (or optional) further explanations.

The Protocol has been checked against the Science Europe "Evaluation Rubric" for DMPs. The Protocol provides explanations and references to relevant information sources concerning archaeological data management. The Protocol was developed under the ARIADNE+ project, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the EC.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusIngediend - 01 dec. 2021


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