Comparative Panel File: Codebook for CPF v.1.0.

Onderzoeksoutput: Working paper/discussiepaperVoordruk

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The Comparative Panel File (CPF) harmonises the world's largest and longest-running household panel surveys from seven countries: Australia (HILDA), Germany (SOEP), Great Britain (BHPS and UKHLS), South Korea (KLIPS), Russia (RLMS), Switzerland (SHP), and the United States (PSID). The project aims to support the social science community in the analysis of comparative life course data. The CPF is not a data product but an open-source code that integrates individual and household panel data from all seven surveys into a harmonised three-level data structure.
The Codebook presents an overview of variables included in the CPF database in version 1.0. It includes definition, labels and response categories, total frequencies and cross-tabulation by country, additional notes, presentation of original questions and source variables.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's177
StatusE-pub ahead of print - dec. 2020


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