Criminal Chambers for International Crimes in The Hague (District and Appeals Courts) / Strafkamers Internationale Misdrijven (Rechtbank en Gerechtshof Den Haag)

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The Criminal Chambers for International Crimes in The Hague District and Appeals Courts in the Netherlands form the principal judicial units of examining magistrates, trial judges, and specialized staff tasked with investigating and adjudicating individual criminal cases under the principle of universal jurisdiction. The Hague Courts are mandated to deal with crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crime of aggression, torture, enforced disappearances (International Crimes), as well as piracy and international terrorism. Launched as part of the 2003 International Crimes Act (Wet Internationale Misdrijven), the Chambers have tried a dozen individuals from Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelCambridge Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice
RedacteurenLavinia Stan , Nadya Nedelsky
UitgeverijCambridge University Press
StatusGepubliceerd - 24 aug. 2023


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