D12.1 EHRI-3 Data Management Plan

Mike Bryant, Elly Dijk, Rebecca Dillmeier, René van Horik, Michael Levy, Rachel Pistol

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This report contains the first, initial version of EHRI-3’s deliverable
12.1 - its Data Management Plan (DMP). The first part of this
report lays out the design and framework for compiling the final
DMP due in August 2024. Between now and the delivery of the
final DMP, WP12 will continue to define its goals for data
management, its preservation worthy assets, procedures for EHRI
participants to follow and the dissemination of those procedures,
and the implementation of a plan with an understanding of the
associated risks and costs. There is a recognition that a
successful DMP will require both human managed systems and
technology. The goal of the DMP is to bring EHRI data into closer
compliance with FAIR principles. The initial DMP outlines data
sources as they are currently understood, including descriptions of
their locations, data formats, size and “findability”. Much of the
work between this initial DMP and its final version will be to
improve metadata standards and identifier mechanisms for data
collections, which are necessary for FAIRness compliance. This
will require consultation with EHRI partners and the dissemination
of standards and practices established in the DMP.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's22
StatusGepubliceerd - 13 apr. 2021


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