D2.2 FAIR Semantics: First recommendations

Yann Le Franc, Gerard Coen, Jessica Parland-von Essen, Luiz Bonino, Heikki Lehväslaiho, Gerard Coen, Christine Staiger

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/RapportRapportWetenschappelijk


This document is the first iteration of recommendations for making semantic artefact FAIR. These recommendations result from initial discussions during a brainstorming workshop organised by FAIRsFAIR as co-located event with the 14th RDA Plenary meeting in Helsinki. We are proposing 17 preliminary recommendations related to one or more of the FAIR principles and 10 best practice recommendations to improve the global FAIRness of semantic artefacts. These initial recommendations should not be considered as a gold standard but rather as a basis for discussion with the various stakeholders of the semantic community.

Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's51
StatusGepubliceerd - 12 mrt. 2020


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