D5.2 - Metrics for automated FAIR software assessment in a disciplinary context

Neil Chue Hong, Elena Breitmoser, Mario Antonioletti, Joy Davidson , Daniel Garijo, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Morane Gruenpeter, Robert Huber , Clement Jonquet, Mike Priddy, John Shepherdson, M. L Verburg (Maaike), Chris Wood

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/RapportRapportWetenschappelijk


The deliverable defines 17 metrics that can be used to automate the assessment of research software against the FAIR4RS Principles, and provides examples of how these might be implemented in one exemplar disciplinary context of the social sciences. The FAIR-IMPACT project will then work to implement the metrics as practical tests by extending existing assessment tools such as F-UJI; this work will be reported in Q2 2024. Feedback will be sought from the community, through webinars and an open request for comments. The information from all these sources will be used to publish a revised version of the metrics.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's40
StatusGepubliceerd - 31 okt. 2023


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