Data Base on Peer Evaluation of Research in the Netherlands - PER-Base - 1993-2013

L. van Drooge, S. de Jong, M. Faber, D. Westerheijden

Onderzoeksoutput: Niet-tekstuele vormDatabaseWetenschappelijk


PER-Base contains information on institutional research evaluation in the Netherlands. It covers results from evaluations with the 'Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten' - VSNU 1993, VSNU 1994 and VSNU 1998 protocols as well as the 'Standard Evaluation Protocol' - SEP 2003-2009 and SEP 2009-2015 protocols. The information in the database is derived from the 222 known evaluation reports: protocol used for the evaluation, title of the evaluation report, year of publication of the evaluation report, organisations involved, programs involved, score per criterion per program. The 'Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek Plan' - HOOP codes (discipline) are allocated by the authors. PER-Base is developed in 2010-2012 by the 'Center for Higher Education Policy Studies'- CHEPS - University of Twente. The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has paid for the development as part of the CHERPA project. In 2012 the database has been transferred to the Rathenau Institute, that will maintain the database.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 2013


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