EuropaBON EBV workflow templates

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The information provided here represents the EBV workflow templates collected during the EuropaBON online workshop on Essential Biodiversity Variable (EBV) workflows from 22–24 February 2023. The templates were designed to capture comprehensive descriptions about the three workflow components (data collection and sampling, data integration, and modelling) that are typical for generating EBVs. Recognising the potential value of those EBV templates for European biodiversity monitoring, our objective is to share them for enhancing transparency, knowledge exchange and collaboration, and promoting the operationalisation of EBVs across Europe. EuropaBON ( is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation action funded by the European Commission that seeks to co-design a European Biodiversity Observation Network. This network aims to bridge the gap between the biodiversity data needs of policy-makers and authorities on the one hand and the existing reporting streams and available data sources on the other hand, considering both present obligations and forthcoming policy needs. Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) are a central concept of EuropaBON as they provide a standardised framework for biodiversity monitoring and reporting. In 2023, EuropaBON had identified 70 EBVs (Junker et al., 2023) that are policy-relevant for the EU, and measurable with available and existing technologies and with a proven track record of feasibility in ongoing initiatives. EBVs require workflows to process the raw data (primary observations) through data integration and modelling into spatially-explicit EBV data products (Kissling et al., 2018; Schmeller et al., 2017). These workflows can be broken down into three main components (data collection and sampling, data integration, and modelling), with additional aspects of data interoperability and IT infrastructure being recognised as crucial for transnational data streams (Kissling & Lumbierres, 2023). To capture information about the EBV workflows, an online workshop was held on 22–24 February 2023 with 520 registered participants from 49 countries, covering a large range of expertise (Lumbierres & Kissling, 2023). Participants contributed information on EBV workflow components and advanced monitoring techniques, discussed initiatives, and identified tools and requirements for implementing 70 proposed EBVs. The information from the workshop participants was collected through pre-defined EBV workflow...
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 14 apr. 2024

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