Gebruikersonderzoek NARCIS 2009

A.Th. Hogenaar, E.M.S. Dijk, R.E. de Vries, H.J. Voorbij

Onderzoeksoutput: Working paper/discussiepaperWorking paper/Discussion paperProfessioneel

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The NARCIS portal ( in the Netherlands provides access to research information information (information about research; researchers; research institutions) and scholarly information ((full-text) publications and datasets). The usage figures for the portal are high, namely 1.2 million users on an annual basis (2008). In order to gain more insight into those users and their ideas and wishes with regard to NARCIS, the Research Information Department of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) took the initiative in 2009 to conduct a user survey that consists of three components: two online surveys and a series of interviews.

The report consists of two parts: the results of the research and the appendices containing, among other things, the questionnaires and the interview script.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageUser survey NARCIS 2009
Originele taal-2Nederlands
UitgeverKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW)
Aantal pagina's72
StatusGepubliceerd - 11 mrt. 2010

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