Generations and Gender Programme: A Research Infrastructure For Analyzing Relationships over the Life-Course

A.H. Gauthier, T. Emery

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in boek/boekdeelBijdrage aan conferentie proceedingsWetenschappelijk

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The GGP is a cross-national research infrastructure that was established in 2001
and which aims at understanding how the lives of individuals evolve over the
whole life course, from young adulthood to older ages (more information can
be found on our website: It furthermore aims at understanding the ways in which various factors, such as public policy, affect family life
including the relationships between generations and between genders. It is a
research infrastructure built on the principle of open access. It provides comparable micro-level data from 19 countries as well as related contextual data. In this paper, we first provide an overview of the GGP including its key features (i.e. what is the GGP?) and its capabilities (i.e. why do we need a GGP?). We then provide examples of some of its scientific accomplishments as well as its potential in terms of answering emerging research questions. We then discuss the way forward including our strategic plan through to 2020.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelFacing the Future: European Research Infrastructures for the Humanities and Social Sciences
RedacteurenA. Dusa, D. Nelle, G. Stock, G.G. Wagner
Plaats van productieBerlin
UitgeverijSCIVERO Verlag
ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-944417-03-5
StatusGepubliceerd - 2014


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