High diversity of Diaporthe species associated with pear shoot canker in China

Y.S. Guo, P.W. Crous, Q. Bai, M. Fu, M.M. Yang, X.H. Wang, Y.M. Du, N. Hong, W.X. Xu, G.P. Wang

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan conferentiePaperWetenschappelijkpeer review

79 Citaten (Scopus)


Species of Diaporthe (syn. Phomopsis) are important endophytes, saprobes and pathogens, infecting a wide range of plants and resulting in important crop diseases. However, the species occurring on pear remain largely unresolved. In this study, a total of 453 Diaporthe isolates were obtained from branches of Pyrus plants (including P. bretschneideri, P. communis, P. pyrifolia and P. ussuriensis collected from 12 provinces in China) showing shoot canker symptoms. Phylogenetic analyses based on five loci (ITS, TEF, CAL, HIS, and TUB) coupled with morphology of 113 representative isolates revealed that 19 Diaporthe species were isolated, representing 13 known species (including D. caryae, D. cercidis, D. citrichinensis, D. eres, D. fusicola, D. ganjae, D. hongkongensis, D. padina, D. pescicola, D. sojae, D. taoicola, D. unshiuensis and D. velutina) and six new species described here as D. acuta, D. chongqingensis, D. fulvicolor, D. parvae, D. spinosa and D. zaobaisu. Although Koch's postulates confirmed all species to be pathogenic, a high degree of variation in aggressiveness was observed. Moreover, these species have a high diversity, plasticity, and prevalence related to the geographical location and pear species involved.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's31
StatusGepubliceerd - dec. 2020


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