Knowescape - visualizing to know

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Beautiful visualizations, often based on Big Data, can be found everywhere: in research, in science communication, museums and art galleries. To be able to make them is not longer the privilege of a small group of experts. However, if it comes to libraries and archives visualizing their collections and the artifacts in them, is far from being standard. Visualizations can have many uses. For digital humanities researchers they are a useful method in their quest for the past of our culture. For the libraries and archives providing means for this quest, visualizations can be used to highlight special treasures in a collection, to support navigation through a collection and to monitor its use.
A European network of collaboration – KNOWeSCAPE – has been set up to foster the development and implementation of so-called knowledge maps for archives and libraries. The network has initiated all of the examples presented below. KNOWeSCAPE is a COST Action devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of knowledge spaces and map making for those spaces. It is unique in establishing a dialogue between data scientists, digital humanities scholars and information scientists and professionals.
Originele taal-2Engels
Mijlpalentype toekennenKnowescape
UitgeverData Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Aantal pagina's4
Plaats van productieThe Hague
VolumeSpecial issue 2014/2015
StatusGepubliceerd - sep. 2014


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