Lithuanian: The Lithuanian language in education in Poland (2nd ed.)

Ramziè Krol-Hage (Redacteur), Anna Fardau Schukking (Redacteur), Katharina Thomas (Redacteur), Charlie Robinson-Jones (Redacteur), Jowita Niewulis-Grablunas, Piotr Grablunas

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/RapportRapportProfessioneel

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Lithuanian and its status in education in Poland

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland contains two articles that pertain directly to minority rights, in which it is stated that Polish citizens belonging to national or ethnic minorities have the freedom to maintain and develop their own language and establish educational institutions. The 1991 Act on the Education System grants pupils the right to maintain their national, ethnic, religious, and linguistic identity, and gives them the right to education in their mother tongue, as well as education about its history and culture. Regarding pre-school education for the Lithuanian minority in Poland, there are three kindergartens. Three primary schools and one secondary school offer education in Lithuanian.

Lithuanian in educational research

For political reasons, educational and sociolinguistic research on minority/regional language communities showed little development between World War II and 1989. Since then, research has focused on the situation of schooling in Lithuanian; however, there have been no studies on Lithuanian as a medium of instruction or as a subject.

Prospects for Lithuanian in Poland

The prospects for the Lithuanian language among the Lithuanian minority in Poland are in general quite good, as there are still a few primary and secondary schools left that teach in Lithuanian. However, intermarriage between Poles and Lithuanians is becoming increasingly common and this can be considered a certain threat. From one side, intermarriages indicate the assimilation of the minority, and from another, they indicate a threat of losing identity and with that, heritage, tradition, and language.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieLjouwert/Leeuwarden
UitgeverijMercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning
Aantal pagina's56
ISBN van geprinte versie1570-1239
StatusGepubliceerd - 27 mrt. 2023

Publicatie series

NaamRegional Dossier series
UitgeverijMercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning
ISSN van geprinte versie1570-1239


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