M1.7 - First synchronisation workshop

Marjan Grootveld, Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Joy Davidson, Ingrid Dillo, Ryan O'Connor, Liisa Marjamaa-Mankinen, Maaike Verburg, Clement Jonquet

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/RapportRapportWetenschappelijk


The FAIR-IMPACT Synchronisation Force workshops 2022-2024 bring together the various projects and actors in the EOSC and FAIR ecosystem to periodically assess the work undergoing around the FAIR-IMPACT focus areas. This Milestone concerns the 2022 workshop, with representatives from more than ninety initiatives.

To set the stage for the workshop 2022, four topics were defined, which fit the FAIR-IMPACT core areas. Each topic focused on selected recommendations and ambitions from the FAIRsFAIR White Paper (2021), the SRIA (2021) and EOSC Multi-Annual Roadmap (2023-2024). The Milestone summarises highlighs and recommendations concerning:

Metrics and assessing FAIRness

Persistent Identifiers

Trustworthy and FAIR-enabling repositories

Metadata, semantics and interoperability

Three versions are included: the formal project milestone plus two public versions: print-ready and for the web.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's25
StatusGepubliceerd - 01 mrt. 2023

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