M5.7 - Pilot for FAIR data object and code assessment in a disciplinary context

Mike Priddy, Robert Huber, Kara Moraw, Elena Breitmoser, Maaike Verburg

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/RapportRapportWetenschappelijk


This milestone draws together the pilot study efforts around FAIR assessment of discipline-specific metrics for data and research software, undertaken at the same time and in the context of two previous milestones, “M5.4 - Practical tests for automated FAIR digital object assessment in disciplinary context” and “M5.6 - Practical tests for automated FAIR software assessment in a disciplinary context”. The specific disciplinary use case context linked to this work package was the social sciences, represented by the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) through consortium partners UESSEX-UKDS and KNAW-DANS who are also CESSDA Service Providers (CESSDA SP).
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's10
StatusGepubliceerd - 31 mei 2024


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