Mapping of PID policies for different stakeholders

Rene van Horik, Wim Hugo, Liisa Marjamaa-Mankinen, Joy Davidson, Gabriela Mejias, Natascha van Lieshout, Josefine Nordling

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/RapportRapportWetenschappelijk


Work Package 3 of the FAIR-IMPACT project, titled Persistent identifiers, has the objective to “work with PID service providers and infrastructures to meet user needs, align with EOSC policy and maximize uptake”. Task 3.3 of this work package is focused on “EOSC PID policy alignment and support” and will produce Deliverable 3.5 “Guidelines for creating a user tailored EOSC compliant PID policy” in month 24 of the project.

This milestone is an intermediate step towards the provisioning of Deliverable 3.5 and will report on a number of inventories, mappings, best practices and classifications of components and related issues of the PID ecosystem with a focus on the EOSC PID Policy. The activities were carried out in close cooperation with the FAIRCORE4EOSC project and more specifically the work done by work package 2 on the “compliance assessment toolkit” of the EOSC PID policy.

The means of verification of this milestone is defined as “mapping is available”. In close cooperation with the FAIRCORE4EOSC project inventories, best practices and literature were collected, analyzed and discussed with stakeholders (such as the EOSC PID TF). An overview of these activities is reported in this milestone document.

Task 3.3 has also contributed to the review of the conceptual model, the service specifications and helped inventorize the PID ecosystem through, for example, engaging with stakeholders such as the EOSC PID TF.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's13
StatusGepubliceerd - 01 dec. 2023


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