NIOD Rewind Episode 13: What are the next Big Topics in War and Genocide Research?

Anne van Mourik, Ismee Tames (Overig), Sophie Schaepdrijver (Overig), Siniša Malešević (Overig), Avi Sharma (Overig), Ville Kivimäki (Overig)

Onderzoeksoutput: Niet-tekstuele vormDigitale of Visuele ProductenProfessioneel


In this episode of the podcast NIOD Rewind, Anne van Mourik speaks with several of researchers about a new fellowship program. In collaboration with the NIAS, researchers of the NIOD Institute are teaming up with a group of international scholars, in order to develop an innovative and multidisciplinary research agenda in the field of the multiple connections between the topic of ‘war and society’ in the recent past - and in the world of today.

Why is it so important to investigate the past in light of the present? And how can we connect histories of mass violence with present-day societies?
Originele taal-2Engels
UitgeverNIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
Outputmediaaudio recording (online)
StatusGepubliceerd - 01 apr. 2021


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