NIOD Rewind Episode 26: Bones of Contention: The Vietnam-American War

Anne van Mourik, Dat Nguyen, Tam Ngo (Overig), Sarah Wagner (Overig)

Onderzoeksoutput: Niet-tekstuele vormDigitale of Visuele ProductenProfessioneel


In this episode Anne van Mourik and Dat Nguyen talk with Tam Ngo and Sarah Wagner on the remains of the war dead of the Vietnam-American War (1957-1975). Following the end of the war, the commemoration and identification of the fallen and missing-in-action soldiers from both the Vietnamese (North and South) and American sides remains a contentious issue. With Tam and Dat researching respectively the North- and South Vietnamese perspectives and Sarah the U.S. perspective, this episode approaches the topic from three different angles of the war. What is the contention about? How are the bones used for necro-political and necro-governmental agendas over time?

Originele taal-2Engels
UitgeverNIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
Outputmediaaudio recording (online)
StatusGepubliceerd - 06 sep. 2022


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