Person Name Vocabulary

Lodewijk Petram, Gijsbert Kruithof, Elvin Dechesne (Ontwikkelaar), Sebastiaan Derks (Consultant), Harm Nijboer (Consultant), Gerard Kuys (Consultant), Jeroen Balkenende (Consultant), Gerrit Bloothooft (Consultant), Ed de Heer (Consultant), Vincent Sleebe (Consultant)

Onderzoeksoutput: Niet-tekstuele vormWebsiteWetenschappelijk


The Person Name Vocabulary (PNV) is an rdf vocabulary for modelling persons' names. It is applicable to many datasets in which persons are described, as it accommodates different levels of data granularity. It furthermore allows for easy alignment of name elements, including idiosyncratic ones, such as family name prefixes and patronymics, with standard vocabularies such as, foaf, DBpedia and Wikidata, thus guaranteeing optimal data interoperability.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 07 nov. 2018

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