Tantrums and Traitors: A Diachronic Analysis of Emotions in Parliamentary Debates on War Criminals and Collaborators

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan conferentieAbstractWetenschappelijk


In this study emotions in discussions about the punishment of collaborators and war criminals in the Netherlands are investigated by analysing the verbatim minutes of parliament. The application of text mining techniques to this digitised historical text corpus allows for a diachronic perspective on a historical case study. With this paper, I present the historical case, the materials and techniques used, and some insights based on preliminary results. I will also address general advantages and limitations of using text mining in historical research. Aim of this investigation is to explicitly investigate and discuss the validity of the use of emotion lexicons in diachronic historical research.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's2
StatusGepubliceerd - jul. 2019
EvenementDigital Humanities Conference 2019 - Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht, Nederland
Duur: 09 jul. 201912 jul. 2019


ConferentieDigital Humanities Conference 2019
Verkorte titelDH2019
Internet adres


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